Culture, Tradition and Flavors


In the foothills of the Bassa Langa, 172 meters above sea level, is located Alba.


The town has developed a flourishing market for agricultural products, such as white truffles, wine and food, as well as stand in the confectionery industry, textiles and publishing.


The medieval old town of Alba is characterized by the presence of numerous pictorial towers and fortified houses, still enclosed in a substantially circular perimeter that recalls the ancient walls.


The modern part instead of Alba has developed over the tree-lined streets that serve to divide into sharply from the city center.


The artefacts found abundant evidence that the town, the important story, appeared to be already inhabited in the Neolithic.


In 100 BC Then the Romans named it "Alba Pompeia", and in the fourth century it became a bishopric.


In '892 he was sacked by the Saracens, but in the eleventh century, became a free city, starting a conflict with Asti.


Between 1259 and 1283 was ruled by Charles of Anjou, until it passed into the hands of the Marquis of Monferrato.


In 1347 it passed to the Visconti, then to Gonzaga, until finally in 1631 the Savoy.


In the town of Alba was born known painter Gian Giacomo walk with Palladio, said "d'Alba Macrinus', whose fervent activity is between 1494 and 1528.


On the first Sunday in October is held in Alba the Joust of the hundred towers and the Palio of the Donkeys, while during the entire month of October, in the Palace of Exhibitions and Congress, we admire the National Truffle Fair.


We propose below a small glimpse of where we are, come and spend some unforgettable days in this land.

Photos by Fiorenzo Calosso. We thank for the cooperation FiorenzoCalossoPhotography.

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